The Southwest Mind-Body and Integrative Medicine Conference takes place every year in October. The mission of the conference is to promote a culture of health and wellness in the El Paso, Juarez, New Mexico region by providing training and education in holistic health and healing methods and modalities. The event is open to the public higher awareness of holistic and preventive self-care in the community. The event also serves the professional community by providing CEU’s approved by the state of Texas to Counselors and Social Workers.
English Track
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Vision: Attracting a Healthy and Harmonious Life - Aurora Anaya-Dyer, M.A., Expressive Arts Therapist. Key Note Speaker
Healthy Mind and Body Through Intention Breathing, and Movement – Master Rene Qian, B.A., TM Instructor/Writer
The Nuts and Bolts of Your Neurobiology: How neuroplasticity defines your next level of being – Dr. Roman Velasquez, DM. IPNB
Achieving Health and Harmony Through Reflexology - Susan L Marquez, IIRC
Spanish Track
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Visión: Atrayendo Salud y Armonía a su Vida Aurora Anaya- Dyer, M.A., Terapista de Arte Expresivo. Oradora de Apertura
Salud de Mente y Cuerpo por medio de la Intención, Respiración y Movimiento Corporal - Master Rene Qian, B.A. Instructor de MT y Escritor
Los hechos sobre su Neurobiología: Como la neuroplastía define su existencia – Dr. Roman Velasquez, D.M., IPNB
Obteniendo Una Vida Saludable y Armoniosa por Medio de la Reflexología – Susan L. Marquez, IIRC
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