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7:30 - 8:15 Registrationand Breakfast (provided)

8:30 - 9:00 Key Note: Journaling for the Health of it – Nurturing all of Me

Aurora Anaya-Dyer, M.Ed., CJEA and Counseling Certified.

Ms. Anaya-Dyer will introduce the theme of the conference and will present on how to use journaling to connect with the mind, body, and spirit and how it helps in recovering from health issues and finding relief from emotional and physical tension and stress.

About Ms. Anaya-Dyer: She is employed by Region 19 in El Paso and has over 30 years of experience in training, education, and curriculum development. She also owns Inspiration Motivation Application, a training and consulting firm in El Paso. She is certified in Counseling, and The Creative Journal Expressive Arts (CJEA).

9:00 - 9:15 Break and Exhibits

9:15 – 10:45 Healthy Mind & BodyThrough Intention,Breathing, and Movement

Master Rene Qian B.A., TM Instructor/ Writer

Master Qian will teach the benefits of abdominal breathing, posture, and mind regulation through movement meditation routines, and how easy-to- do exercises may help to develop a sharp mind and awareness of physical balance, and how to identify internal emotional noise. Through demonstration and practice, you will learn exercises to awaken an internal and external body awareness extending it as a protective shield created by intention and visualization.

About Master Qian: He is an experienced Energy Healer and has written and published three books in the art and science of Energy Healing. He is currently working on a manuscript about fields of manifestation at the social, spiritual, religious, and artistic levels. He holds certifications in various modalities of energy healing such as Chi Kung, Qi Gong, and Usui Reiki. He also holds a B.A. in Radio and TV Production, and is a Certified Translator/Interpreter, and a writer. He currently resides and practices in Phoenix, Arizona.

10:45 - 11:00 Break and Exhibits.

11:00 - 12:30 Achieving a Healthy and Harmonious Life Through Reflexology

Susan L Marquez, IIRC

You will learn the history, principles, and methods of reflexology. You will become familiar with research evidence that demonstrates its effectiveness to manage stress, promote better health, and prevent chronic disease. You will learn practical technique you can use in your daily life to reduce physical and emotional stress, and promote health and harmony of mind, body, and spirit.

About Ms. Marquez: She has over 17 years of experience as a certified Reflexology Therapist. She owns Path of Wellness Through Reflexology, a business in El Paso with two locations. She works with patients experiencing back pain, joint pain, surgery rehabilitation, and physical and emotional stress.

12:30 – 1:45 Lunch on your own

1:45 – 2:00 Exhibits

2:00 – 3:30 The Nuts and Bolts ofYour Neurobiology: How Neuroplasticity defines your next level of being by Dr. Roman Velasquez, D.M., IPNB

Participants will learn the basics of neurobiology, the language of the human brain, how the brain develops from the outside in, the emotional components of memory, and memory reconsolidation. A live real-time brain sensing scan demonstration will be performed to immerse and engage participants on the power of mindfulness and mental focus to reconsolidate the brain and promote harmony in your being and your environment.

About Dr. Velasquez: He holds a Doctorate degree in Management and Organizational Development and has over 30 years of leadership experience. He has designed and implemented many successful leadership programs and has coached and developed many leaders in the U.S. and internationally. He served in the Marine Corp and has numerous military decorations and awards. Dr. Velasquez is certified in Interpersonal Neurobiology and has conducted extensive empirical research in this area. He is the founder and director of the Leadership Mindfulness XS 2 Brain-Based Leadership Coaching, Neuro Peak Performance, and the Science of Leadership Academy. He also is the author of eight books on brain- based leadership, and brain health and performance.

3:30 - 4:00 Evaluations and Certificates